Today's comic illustrates a necessary plot
element, presented singularly, which unmoors it from any context whatsoever,
so that what you're left with -- if you don't read any of the other strips
leading up to it -- is merely a three-panel progression of an old guy getting
squished by a mummy's casket. In this manner, I'm now up to par with almost
any other webcomic currently running, to say nothing of nearly the entire
programming lineup of Adult Swim.
I was coloring, today, an activity which I
may have mentioned is so tedious that I find myself spontaneously compelled
to begin pounding my head into the wall, repeatedly, until it is little more
than a red smudge with hair stuck in it. Today was special, however, because
I was ALSO waiting for a service person to show up and work on the house
furnace, an activity which, it must be reported, never actually occurred.
He's supposed to be here sometime tomorrow, at which time I will also be
finishing my coloring work. I can only hope the red smear on the wall does
not put him off his labors.
It's a short entry tonight -- I got me a load
of sleep to catch up on, and it aint gonna happen while I'm typing, brother,
despite what earlier entries may have led you to believe. I shall return!