comic updated October 31, 2008
With the conclusion of The
Roadees, we are proud to bring you another exciting, classic cartoon
from The Year 2000(ish) while we prepare our exciting, NEW offerings -- this
is The Otters in "True Crime Stories!"
Note -- crime stories depicted may not actually
be true.
And, well -- it's Halloween, everybody! Happy
Halloween! If you're young enough, go trick you up some treats! If you're
old enough, scare ten kinds of poop out of the youngsters. It's all in good
I saw, some time ago, an advertisement for a DVD
featuring a Sesame Street Halloween special. I believe it was called "Magical
Halloween." Now, magical holidays, those SOUND good, right? A magical New
Year's, that'd be just fine. A magical Christmas? Absolutely! Flying
reindeer and fat men in chimneys! Unaccountably rich rains of presents!
But a magical Halloween -- do you REALLY want
that? When you get right down to it, the events of "The Evil Dead" were
magical. Magic isn't always nice -- magic's sometimes demons coming out of
the walls and your eyeballs exploding. I'm not saying Elmo's necessarily
toying with the Necronomicon in that particular special, but you don't
wanna fool around with that stuff. Especially if your mental faculties are
still taxed by recalling the full alphabet, in order.
Happy Halloween!
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