Comic Updated August 18, 2008

How's THAT for a clever title? Anyways, yes, there's a brand new comic for sale in the E-Comic store -- Hsu and Chan in "Sights for Sore Isotopes." And when I say "Brand New," in this case I actually mean, yes, BRAND NEW! Never seen before! That makes it a first for the E-Comic store, and its historical significance alone should drive you onward to BUY and BUY and BUY until you can buy no more!

It's a charming tale of the brothers Tanaka as they attempt to cure Chernobyl the radioactive chipmunk's rapidly-escalating illness before it destroys the earth. High-maintenance pets! This is why people get hamsters.

This is NOTrelated to the story, but, well, I suppose I should cop to it, regardless. Chernobyl is a radioactive chipmunk. Arnie is a ground squirrel -- which is, well, just another name for a chipmunk. In other words, they're supposed to be the same species. Reconcile THAT!

Anyway! "Sights for Sore Isotopes!" First new Hsu and Chan stand-alone comic since "The Mummy's Tooth" last year! Buy it now, in the...

E-Comic Store Here!


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