comic updated November 17, 2008
Did we even HAVE Halloween, this year? I remember
an aisle of masks and costumes, and then the stores putting up Christmas
trees... Now the all-carol station is playing again, lights have started
going up, turkey sales are climbing... I don't want to alarm anybody, but
I think we might have hit a time warp.
Or maybe I'm just busy. Busy's good, under the
right circumstances. Being bored, doing nothing, watching the hours creep
by; almost anybody I know will say being busy's preferable, makes the day
go faster. On the other hand, what's on the far end of all those days that
we just can't seem to make go fast enough? The cold, inky embrace of death,
that's what.
You gotta have a happy medium. Even if the hours
are flying by, you gotta remember to reach out and catch one of the interesting
ones for posterity.
And then, I don't know, sell it, maybe. Aint like
they come with manuals.
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