comic updated November 28, 2008
As a thankful Thanksgiving participant, I will
say now, 'hrrrarrrrrrrrgh, I am so full.' Didn't pop, but the week's not
over, and there's leftovers, yet. So basically, what I'm trying to convey
is, 'hrarrrrrrrg.'
Today ends the classic Spookingtons masterpiece,
"True Crime Stories." It was not widely recognized as a classic in its time,
which was about ten years ago, but today, readers are giving this bit of
sequential literature a closer look, and saying, "Mr. Scott, I thought you
could draw better than this. Do you have Parkinsons?"
I do not. Coming up next -- a special (and new!)
presentation for the holidays that will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF!
Sock-knocking not guaranteed in Alabama and
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